21. Xai, K, WL Harrower, R Turkington, & Z Zhou. (in press) Pre-dispersal strategies in Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides to mitigate the effects of weevil infestation of acorns. Scientific Reports, Nature publishing group.
20. Turkington R & WL Harrower. 2016. Plant Diversity in China: an experimental approach. Plant Diversity, 1: 1-10. link
19. McClaren EL, T Mahon, FI Doyle & WL Harrower. 2015. A scientific basis for managing northern goshawk breeding areas in coastal British Columbia: Best Management practices. Journal of Ecosystems and Management, 15(2): 1 - 91. Special Issue. link
18. Fraser LH, WL Harrower, H Garris, P Hebert, R Howie, A Moody, D Polster, O Schmitz, ARE Sinclair, B Starzomski, T Sullivan, R Turkington & D Wilson. 2015. A call for applying trophic structure in ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, 23: 503-507. link
17. Myers-Smith IH & WL Harrower. 2013. An Early-Career Scientist's Guide to Delving Into Data Synthesis. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 94:265–272. link
16. McCune JL, WL Harrower, S Avery-Gomm, JM Brogan, AM Csergő, L NK Davidson, A Garani, LR Halpin, LPJ Lipsen, C Lee, J C Nelson, L R Prugh, CM Stinson, CK Whitney, & J Whitton. 2013. Threats to Canadian species at risk: An analysis of finalized recovery strategies. Biological Conservation, 166: 254-265. link
15. Stuart-Smith* KA, WL Harrower, T Mahon, EL McClaren & FI Doyle. 2012. A scientific basis for managing northern goshawk breeding areas in the interior of British Columbia: Best management practices. FORREX Forum for Research Extension and Natural Resources, Kamloops BC, FORREX Series 29. * all authors contributed equally to the completion of this work. document brochure
14. Harrower WL, KW Larsen & KA Stuart-Smith. 2010. Movements and resource selection of fledgling goshawks in the montane Forests of southeastern British Columbia. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74: 1768-1775. link
13. Carlyle CN, LH Fraser, CM Haddow, BA Bings & WL Harrower. 2009. The use of digital photos to assess visual cover for wildlife in rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management, 91: 1366-1370. link
12. Lofroth EC, JA Krebs, WL Harrower & D Lewis. 2007. Food habits of wolverine, Gulo gulo, in montane ecosystems of British Columbia. Wildlife Biology, 13(sp2): 31-37. link
11. Harrower WL, 2014. Examining monitoring strategies and synergies for grassland soil carbon and rangeland forage production in British Columbia: first steps in establishing a payment for ecosystem service program for soil carbon. Report prepared for the Grassland Conservation Council of British Columbia. pp 24. link
10. Harrower WL, C Carlyle, P de Koning & L Fraser. 2012. Managing rangelands for carbon: Assessing the viability of carbon offset markets for British Columbia ranchers. Report prepared for the Grassland Conservation Council of British Columbia and Future Forest Ecosystems Science Council (FFESC). pp. 89. link
9. Stuart-Smith KL, R Wells & WL Harrower. 2011. A comparison of Historic, Current, and Future Nesting Habitat for the Northern Goshawk in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia. Report prepared for British Columbia Forest Science Program, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria BC. pp 27. link
8. Harrower WL & E Bassett. 2008. Assessment Method for Vegetative Cover Requirements of Wildlife Species in the Cariboo Grasslands of British Columbia: Initial Assessment of Data Quality and Needs. Report prepared for Province of British Columbia Ministry of Forests. pp 20. link
7. Harrower WL, KA Stuart-Smith, KW Larsen & M Burgess. 2007. Nesting requirements of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Technical report prepared for Province of British Columbia, Forest Science Program. pp 42. link
6. Harrower WL. 2006. Nest area selection and productivity of the northern goshawk in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia. Report for Forest Investment Account and Tembec Ind. pp 27. link
5. Harrower WL, KA Stuart-Smith & K Larsen. 2005. Movements of the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in a fragmented forest landscape: preliminary results from the East Kootenay Northern Goshawk Research Program. Technical report prepared for. Province of British Columbia, Forest Science Program. Victoria BC. pp 27. link
4. Inman KH, RM Inman, RR Wigglesworth, AJ McCue, BL Brock, JD Rieck & WL Harrower 2003. Greater Yellowstone Wolverine Study, Cumulative Progress Report 2003. Wildlife Conservation Society Technical Report. Bozeman, Montana, USA. pp 18. link
3. Harrower WL. 2002. The British Columbia Trapper Survey: Program Review. Prepared for Biodiversity Branch, BC Ministry of Air, Water, and Land Protection. Victoria BC. pp 36. link
2. Lofroth EC, DW Wellwood, WL Harrower & C Hoodicoff. 2000. Wolverine Ecology in Plateau and Foothill Landscapes 1996-2000: Northern Wolverine Project Year End Final Report. British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Victoria BC. Pp 104. summary document
1. Harrower WL. 1997. Results of Population Census Trial on Northern Wolverine (Gulo gulo). Technical report prepared for Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment Land and Parks. Victoria BC. pp 47. link
6. Harrower WL, JL McCune & J Whitton. 2014. Are Canada's species at risk recovering? UBC Botany Department research feature. link
5. Harrower WL, LH Fraser & R Turkington. 2014. How would grasslands change in response to the loss of songbirds and small mammals? UBC Botany Department research feature. link
4. Harrower WL, 2014. The Odd Couple: The Agricultural Land Reserve, biodiversity, and species at risk in British Columbia. Beaty Biodiversity Museum Blog. University of British Columbia. link
3. Harrower WL, JH Myers, SP Otto, EB Taylor, EJ Kleynhans + >100 scientists. 2014. Open Letter to BC Premier Clark regarding changes to the Agricultural Land Commission Act. Letter
Globe & Mail Article link
Vancouver Sun Article link
2. Harrower WL, LH Fraser & R Turkington. 2013. Grassland trophic dynamics in a changing world. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Bulletin 14: 15-16. link
1. Harrower WL, T Mahon, KA Stuart-Smith, EL McClaren & FI Doyle. 2011. Best Management Practices for Northern Goshawk Breeding Areas in the Interior of British Columbia brochure
21. Xai, K, WL Harrower, R Turkington, & Z Zhou. (in press) Pre-dispersal strategies in Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides to mitigate the effects of weevil infestation of acorns. Scientific Reports, Nature publishing group.
20. Turkington R & WL Harrower. 2016. Plant Diversity in China: an experimental approach. Plant Diversity, 1: 1-10. link
19. McClaren EL, T Mahon, FI Doyle & WL Harrower. 2015. A scientific basis for managing northern goshawk breeding areas in coastal British Columbia: Best Management practices. Journal of Ecosystems and Management, 15(2): 1 - 91. Special Issue. link
18. Fraser LH, WL Harrower, H Garris, P Hebert, R Howie, A Moody, D Polster, O Schmitz, ARE Sinclair, B Starzomski, T Sullivan, R Turkington & D Wilson. 2015. A call for applying trophic structure in ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, 23: 503-507. link
17. Myers-Smith IH & WL Harrower. 2013. An Early-Career Scientist's Guide to Delving Into Data Synthesis. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 94:265–272. link
16. McCune JL, WL Harrower, S Avery-Gomm, JM Brogan, AM Csergő, L NK Davidson, A Garani, LR Halpin, LPJ Lipsen, C Lee, J C Nelson, L R Prugh, CM Stinson, CK Whitney, & J Whitton. 2013. Threats to Canadian species at risk: An analysis of finalized recovery strategies. Biological Conservation, 166: 254-265. link
15. Stuart-Smith* KA, WL Harrower, T Mahon, EL McClaren & FI Doyle. 2012. A scientific basis for managing northern goshawk breeding areas in the interior of British Columbia: Best management practices. FORREX Forum for Research Extension and Natural Resources, Kamloops BC, FORREX Series 29. * all authors contributed equally to the completion of this work. document brochure
14. Harrower WL, KW Larsen & KA Stuart-Smith. 2010. Movements and resource selection of fledgling goshawks in the montane Forests of southeastern British Columbia. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74: 1768-1775. link
13. Carlyle CN, LH Fraser, CM Haddow, BA Bings & WL Harrower. 2009. The use of digital photos to assess visual cover for wildlife in rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management, 91: 1366-1370. link
12. Lofroth EC, JA Krebs, WL Harrower & D Lewis. 2007. Food habits of wolverine, Gulo gulo, in montane ecosystems of British Columbia. Wildlife Biology, 13(sp2): 31-37. link
11. Harrower WL, 2014. Examining monitoring strategies and synergies for grassland soil carbon and rangeland forage production in British Columbia: first steps in establishing a payment for ecosystem service program for soil carbon. Report prepared for the Grassland Conservation Council of British Columbia. pp 24. link
10. Harrower WL, C Carlyle, P de Koning & L Fraser. 2012. Managing rangelands for carbon: Assessing the viability of carbon offset markets for British Columbia ranchers. Report prepared for the Grassland Conservation Council of British Columbia and Future Forest Ecosystems Science Council (FFESC). pp. 89. link
9. Stuart-Smith KL, R Wells & WL Harrower. 2011. A comparison of Historic, Current, and Future Nesting Habitat for the Northern Goshawk in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia. Report prepared for British Columbia Forest Science Program, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria BC. pp 27. link
8. Harrower WL & E Bassett. 2008. Assessment Method for Vegetative Cover Requirements of Wildlife Species in the Cariboo Grasslands of British Columbia: Initial Assessment of Data Quality and Needs. Report prepared for Province of British Columbia Ministry of Forests. pp 20. link
7. Harrower WL, KA Stuart-Smith, KW Larsen & M Burgess. 2007. Nesting requirements of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Technical report prepared for Province of British Columbia, Forest Science Program. pp 42. link
6. Harrower WL. 2006. Nest area selection and productivity of the northern goshawk in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia. Report for Forest Investment Account and Tembec Ind. pp 27. link
5. Harrower WL, KA Stuart-Smith & K Larsen. 2005. Movements of the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in a fragmented forest landscape: preliminary results from the East Kootenay Northern Goshawk Research Program. Technical report prepared for. Province of British Columbia, Forest Science Program. Victoria BC. pp 27. link
4. Inman KH, RM Inman, RR Wigglesworth, AJ McCue, BL Brock, JD Rieck & WL Harrower 2003. Greater Yellowstone Wolverine Study, Cumulative Progress Report 2003. Wildlife Conservation Society Technical Report. Bozeman, Montana, USA. pp 18. link
3. Harrower WL. 2002. The British Columbia Trapper Survey: Program Review. Prepared for Biodiversity Branch, BC Ministry of Air, Water, and Land Protection. Victoria BC. pp 36. link
2. Lofroth EC, DW Wellwood, WL Harrower & C Hoodicoff. 2000. Wolverine Ecology in Plateau and Foothill Landscapes 1996-2000: Northern Wolverine Project Year End Final Report. British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Victoria BC. Pp 104. summary document
1. Harrower WL. 1997. Results of Population Census Trial on Northern Wolverine (Gulo gulo). Technical report prepared for Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment Land and Parks. Victoria BC. pp 47. link
6. Harrower WL, JL McCune & J Whitton. 2014. Are Canada's species at risk recovering? UBC Botany Department research feature. link
5. Harrower WL, LH Fraser & R Turkington. 2014. How would grasslands change in response to the loss of songbirds and small mammals? UBC Botany Department research feature. link
4. Harrower WL, 2014. The Odd Couple: The Agricultural Land Reserve, biodiversity, and species at risk in British Columbia. Beaty Biodiversity Museum Blog. University of British Columbia. link
3. Harrower WL, JH Myers, SP Otto, EB Taylor, EJ Kleynhans + >100 scientists. 2014. Open Letter to BC Premier Clark regarding changes to the Agricultural Land Commission Act. Letter
Globe & Mail Article link
Vancouver Sun Article link
2. Harrower WL, LH Fraser & R Turkington. 2013. Grassland trophic dynamics in a changing world. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Bulletin 14: 15-16. link
1. Harrower WL, T Mahon, KA Stuart-Smith, EL McClaren & FI Doyle. 2011. Best Management Practices for Northern Goshawk Breeding Areas in the Interior of British Columbia brochure